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Eugenia is Colombian and lives in Barcelona.


She is a designer with emphasis in communication from Universidad de Los Andes (Bogotá). She has a Master in Marketing from EADA Business School (Barcelona), a Master in Humanities from Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona) and is a certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor.

She currently works as a designer and consultant in marketing, communication, leadership, branding and innovation, and is focused on purpose-driven businesses and initiatives. She has worked in project management, design thinking, innovation, strategy and entrepreneurship. She is a strategic connector between Europe and Colombia, with the objective of uniting knowledge, technologies, investments and opportunities.


She started her path in meditation, breathwork, yoga and healing after deep personal episodes that led her to a constant search towards an ontological connection with herself and with life.


She took psychiatric medication for over 18 years and is a recovered addict and alcoholic (sober since 2011). She was labeled and diagnosed with a myriad of ailments and decided to challenge and contradict the official and traditional veredicts.


After hitting emotional bottoms and going through intense moments of suffering she decided to pursue a chemical free and alcohol free way of life and made it through her mission by exploring techniques, therapies and lifestyles.


Now she inspires and shares tools that she has used first hand and out of necessity. Her goal is to bring the technologies of the body, breath, sound movement and other tools of self-knowledge to the current social and economic systems, highlighting the importance of mental health and emotional management, and providing truly sustainable alternatives in order to generate an impact from the individual to society, economy and politics.


Planetary change starts from within.

Applied spirituality for systemic transformation

Beyond being professionals framed in an economic, social and political system, we are united by our human nature. Of families, processes, problems, dreams, desires, trauma. We have a body, a mind and a spirit - or conscience. We see companies and organizations as buildings and systems, when their life is in the people who inhabit them.


It is time to put aside survival and start living fully. To stop repeating the days, to stop waiting for the weekend, to stop postponing our dreams, to stop abandoning ourselves emotionally, affectively and vitally. We do not live to work, we work to live, and it is with this maxim that we must embrace our present in purpose: being part of the system contributing from our place and at the same time giving space to our being, recovering our vital energy, our creativity, our peace and heading towards being the best version of ourselves.


There are more than 7 billion definitions of spirituality, as everyone has their own. It is not about religion, sectarian affiliation and dogma but rather our intrinsic connection to ourselves, to others and to planet earth. Spirituality applied to organizations stands as a framework for exploring the self in order to achieve a seamless integration between aptitude and attitude, between vocation and passion, between "being useful" and "feeling fulfilled".


For companies and organizations to overcome their transactional character and become transforming entities of society, the individual within them must be in harmony in mind, body and soul. By having completeness of being, healing childhood traumas, generational traumas, observing patterns and behaviors and getting closer and closer to their true essence and expression, we will be able to advance as humanity.


Thus, StellarHouse is born with the purpose of working internally and in collaboration with others, with a sustainable, healthy and creative approach, in order to help transform the systems we inhabit: if each human being within the system takes care of his mind and body, and manages to really connect with himself and with others... we will have more efficient, more profitable, more creative, happier and more committed to a positive development of the systems we inhabit.


Consciousness can be fostered within our capitalist systemic conjuncture; we reconcile day-to-day practicality with our connection to the whole, redefining concepts of abundance, productivity, happiness and value.

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